Claudia Capocci

Of Busy-Ness and Business, and Toe ma toe (2014)

I’m going to a sound writing event in Bristol on Saturday. I don’t really know what to expect, but I’m starting to become sensitive to sounds around me, how they affect my experience and the way I see and perceive things.
Sound is an extension of my experience, excess energy that is produced when a pair or group of ‘objects’ connect and interact with each other.

The sound of the keyboard on my laptop as I write this. A satisfying, light tapping sound.
This is the sound of productivity in the modern age, of busy-ness and business. But it is made by the hitting of letters, choosing them, in an order that we deem fit, to produce words, then sentences.
To make words, then concepts, then string those concepts together.
And that just came out of the sound of my keyboard. Now I cant stop hearing the sound. I’m typing just to keep it going, a continuous piece of prose, to further the existence of this sound. If I stop, its gone. Spacebar
If I don’t stop hitting the space bar then the noise can exist, without the words produced as an excess it becomes about the space. The space bar now exists as an instrument, with one purpose I could delete everything. That would also produce the sound. One letter at a time vanishing from my memory, vanishing from existing. But you will never know that I made this poin
If I keep hitting ‘Enter’ there will be pages and pages of this noise. It will be printed. But you won’t know what it is that I was talking about to begin with.
It will be repetitive, the Enter key makes a dull thud everytime you press it. its pressed very deliberately. Unlike the quick tapping of the other letters.
The little finger is always hoisted
Just in cas e

Paper that I have danced on, but hides my actions in order to maintain the noise. To encapsulate this excess energy.

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