
Airdrop (I want your data) (2019-21)

About this work

Airdrop is a love song by #Sergina about wanting to get inside somebody’s mind, body and device. #Sergina is a phone obsessed, multi locational, multi bodied drag queen conceived by Elly Clarke but brought to life by anyone who will play (with) her. Featuring and shot and directed by Elly Clarke and Vladimir Bjeličić, edited by Roux Malherbe. Shot originally as part of a 4 hour durational performance entitled How are You? #Sergina’s Participatory Soap Opera about Wrestling with Wellbeing in the Digital Age, which took place at ONCA in Brighton, June 2019.

Text: Elly Clarke, 2017 / Performance and Camera: Elly Clarke & Vladimir Bjeličić, 2019
Edit: Roux Malherbe, 2019 / Music with Stuart Wood, 2020 / QR additions, 2021

ellyclarke.com / @digitalb0dy

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